Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 2: Where Would I Like to be in Ten Years

In 10 years I will be 59.  Sheesh where did time go?  I don't know where I would want to be.  Let's go hog wild and really dream big!

I will have my house finished.
I will be riding my dressage horse.
I will be painting/doing art and hanging in galleries, and SELLING some.
I will travel to places like Germany, the UK, Alaska, Canada, Iceland, Finland, etc.
I will have met my penpal and we'd be good friends, visiting each other
I will have enough money to be comfortable.
My yard will be empty of my husband's crap.
I will be thin.

Ok, let's start there.

1 comment:

  1. In 10 years, I too will be 59. All I want is health, and to be content, perhaps happy. Humble wishes, I suppose.
